Inorganic research group

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Date of Birth 06.09.1945
Place of Birth Simav, Kütahya
Gender Male
Marial Status Married
Foreign Language English - German
Mail Address University, Chemistry Department, Beytepe, 06800 Ankara, Türkiye
Telephone (+90 312) 297 79 55
Fax (+90 312) 299 21 63
BSc Chemistry Engineering, Ankara University, 1968
MSc Chemistry Engineering , Ankara University, 1969
PhD Chemistry Department, Munich Technical University, 1973
Assoc. Professorship Inorganic Chem. Div., Hacettepe University, Ankara 1979
Professor Inorganic Chem. Div., Hacettepe University, Ankara 1989


1. Olefin-Metetezde oluşan yan ürüne sıcaklık ve katalizörün etkisi(Cemal Kaya 1978)

2. W(CO)6-CCl4 / hn Katalizör Sistemiyle Halka Açılımı Metatez Polimerizasyon Tepkimelerinin İncelenmesi (Bülent Düz 1989)

3. W(CO)6/CCl4/hn Katalizör sisteminin karbonil grubu içeren bileşiklere uygulanması(Sema Atlıhan 1995)

4. Metathetic Degradation of 1-4Polybutadiene by Electrochemically Generated WCl6-Based Catalyst(Nilgün Melkuç 2000)

5. Application of Electrochemically Generated Tungsten Based Catalyst System in Metathesis Polymerization Reactions( Okan Dereli 2001)

1. Cross Metatez’de Ürün Seçimliliği ve Katalizör Aktivitesinin İncelenmesi(Cemal Kaya 1981)

2. Fotokatalitik Olefin Metatez Tepkimelerinin İncelenmesi( Birgül Zümreoğlu 1986)

3. Fotokatalitik Metatez Tepkimeleriyle Polibutadien ve Vulkanize Polibutadienin Degradasyonu(Çetin Bozkurt 1988)

4. Elektrokimyasal Yöntemle Üretilen Katalizör Sistemiyle Olefin Metatez Tepkimelerinin İncelenmesi (Bülent Düz 1997)

5. Fotokimyasal Metatez Tepkimelerinde Aktif Ürün Yapısı ve Karben Oluşumunun İncelenmesi (Cemil Aydoğdu 1998)

6. Elektrokimyasal Olarak Üretilen Bir Metatez Katalizörü ile Olefinlerin Çapraz Metatez Tepkimelerinin İncelenmesi (Sevil Çetinkaya 2003)

7. Si, Ge ve Sn İçeren Doymamış Polimerlerin Elektrokimyasal Olarak Üretilen Bir Katalizör Kullanılarak Asiklik Dien Metatez (ADMET) Polimerizasyonu ile Sentezi (Solmaz Karabulut 2006)



1. “New Frontiers in Metathesis Chemistry: From Nanostructure Design to Sustainable Technologies For Synthesis of Advanced Materials” Edited by Y. İmamoğlu and V. Dragutan, NATO ASI Series II, Springer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht ASAP.

2. “Novel Metathesis Chemistry Designing Well-Defined Initiator Systems for Specialty Chemical Synthesis, Tailored Polymers and Advanced Materials Applications” Edited by Y. İmamoğlu and L. Bencze, NATO ASI Series II, Vol 122. Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht 2003.

3. “Metathesis Polymerization of Olefins and Polymerization of Alkynes” Edited by Yavuz İmamoğlu. NATO ASI Series, Series C, Vol. 506, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht 1998.

4. “Olefin Metathesis and Polymerization Catalysts Synthesis, Mechanism and Utilization” Edited by Yavuz İmamoğlu, Birgül Zümreoğlu-Karan and Allan J. Amass. NATO ASI Series, Series C, Vol. 326, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht 1990.


1. Karabulut S., Aydogdu C. Düz B., and İmamoğlu Y., Metal-containing polymers synthesized via acyclic diene metathesis (ADMET) polymerization using electrochemically reduced tungsten-based catalyst: Polycarbosilanes, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, in press.

2. Karabulut S., Aydogdu C., Düz B. and İmamoglu Y., Synthesis and characterization of Ge- and Sn-containing ADMET polymers, Journal of Molecular Catalysis, 2006, 254, 186.

3. Karabulut S., Aydogdu C. Düz B., and İmamoğlu Y., Metal-Containing Polymers Synthesized via Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) Polymerization Using Electrochemically Reduced Tungsten-Based Catalyst: Polycarbogermanes, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, 2006, 16, 115.

4. Karabulut S., Çetinkaya S. ve İmamoğlu Y., Electrochemically reduced tungsten-based active species as catalysts for metathesis-related reactions: Ring opening metathesis copolymerization of cyclopentene with cyclooctene, Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2005, 19, 997.

5. Dereli O., Aydoğdu C., Düz B. and İmamoğlu Y*, “Application of electrochemically generated Mo-based catalyst system to the ROMP of norbornene and a comparison with the W-analogue”  Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 19, 834-840 (2005).

6. Dereli O., Düz B., and İmamoğlu Y. “The WCl6-e−-Al-CH2Cl2 catalyzed polypentenamer formation via ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP)” European Polymer Journal, (2005).

7. Çetinkaya S., Karabulut S., Düz B. ve İmamoğlu Y., Synthesis and characterization of polyoctenamer with WCl6-e--Al-CH2Cl2 catalyst system via ring opening metathesis polymerization, Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2005, 19, 347.

8. Çetinkaya S., Karabulut S. ve İmamoğlu Y., Metathesis copolymerization of 1,5-cyclooctadiene and norbornene with electrochemically generated WCl6-based active species, European Polymer Journal, 2005, 41, 467.

9. Karabulut S., Çetinkaya S., Düz B., and İmamoğlu Y., Ring opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of cyclododecene using electrochemically reduced tungsten-based catalyst Appl. Organometal. Chem. 2004, 18, 375.

10. Çetinkaya S., Düz B. and İmamoğlu Y. “Electrochemically reduced tungsten-based active species as catalyst for cross-metathesis reactions.Cross-metathesis of erucic acid with 2-octene” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 18, 19-22 (2004).

11. Dereli O., Düz B., Zümreoğlu-Karan B*. and İmamoğlu Y, “Electrochemically generated tungsten-based active species as catalyst for metathesis-related reactions:2. ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of norbornene,” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 18, 130-134 (2004).

12. Dereli O., Düz B., Zümreoğlu-Karan B. and İmamoğlu Y, “Electrochemically generated tungsten-based active species as catalyst for metathesis-related reactions:1. Acyclic diene metathesis polymerization of 1,9-decadiene,” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 17, 23-27 (2003).

13. Çetinkaya S., Düz B. and İmamoğlu Y, “Electrochemically reduced tungsten-based active species as catalyst for cross-metathesis reactions:cross metathesis of non functionalized olefins,” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 17, 232-235 (2003).

14. Düz B., Pekmez K., İmamoğlu Y., Süzer Ş. and Yıldız A. “Electrochemically generated catalyst system with increased specificity and efficiency for olefin metathesis” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 684, 77-81 (2003).



1. “The Synthesis of Metal Containing Unsaturated Polyalkenamers via Metathesis Polymerization Reactions”, TUBITAK-TBAG Project No: 104T344, May 2005-November 2006.

2. “Synthesis of Organometallic Polymers via Acyclic Diene Metathesis and Investigation of Microstructure” Hacettepe University Research Fund Project, Project No: 04A601014, December 2005.

3. “Olefin Metatez Tepkimeleri için Elektrokimyasal Aktif Yeni Katalizörlerin Sentezi ve Uygulamaları” H.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi Araştırma Projesi, Proje No: 0201601007, 2002-2004

4. “Elektrokimyasal Yöntemle Elde edilen Katalizör Sistemi ile Asiklik ve Fonksiyonel Grup içeren Olefinlerin Çapraz metetezi” TBAG-2148(102T039) TÜBİTAK, 2002-2003

5. İnorganik ve Polimerik Malzemelerin Isısal Analiz Teknikleri ile İncelenmesi” 02G035,  H.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi Güdümlü Araştırma Projesi, Araştırmacı, 2002- 2004.

6. Olefin Metatez Tepkimelerinde Aktif Katalizörün Elrktrokimyasal Sentezi Yapısı ve Uygulamaları” 98 K 121 720 H.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırmalar Birimi, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı Araştırma Projesi, 1998-2001

7. “Elektrokimyasal Yöntemle Olefin Metatez Tepkimelerinde Aktif  Katalizör sentezi,  Yapısının Aydınlatılması ve Olefin Metatez Tepkimelerine Uygulanması” TBAG-1609 (197T053) TÜBİTAK, 1997-2000.
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